4. The FARFAR-NMR atomic-resolution dynamic ensemble of HIV-1 TAR. Flipped out bulge residues are in red, flipped in bulge nucleotides are in blue, and coaxial conformations are in green. Read the paper.
3. Demonstration of interplay of base flipping to form Hoogsteen base pairs and helix bending: (left) side view (right) top view. Read the paper.
2. The first atomic-resolution dynamic ensemble (N=15) of DNA double helix with a single m1A-T Hoogsteen base pair (A6-DNAm1A16): (left) side view (right) top view. Read the paper.
1.The first atomic-resolution dynamic ensemble (N=10) of DNA double helix (A6-DNA): (left) side view (right) top view. Read the paper.